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I Love Google

During the month of February I will be sharing some of the things I love most that have made my technical life much easier. Today I'd like to share my number one favorite technical resource: Google.

If you know me or have been to any of my free training webinars you know that I'm a Google Girl. There are far too many reasons to list on one blog post of just how Google came to win my heart over time, but here's a quick list of the Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Google.

#1: Best search engine. "Just Google it" is a common household phrase. Have you ever heard anyone say "Just Bing it, or "Just Yahoo it?" Silly, right?

#2: Google owns Android. Android is the most widely-used OS (operating system) in the world. And it's not just for smartphones. Android powers mobile devices, smart TVs, home appliances, and who knows what else in the near future. Check out video on Android Wear:

#3: Google makes life with my Android smartphone painless. Setting up a new smartphone use to be traumatizing when trying to import my old data to the new phone. Now that I have a Google account, syncing all my emails, contacts, photos and apps is a breeze! If you have an Android smartphone you gotta have a Google account anyway. You may as well learn to take advantage of it.

#4: Google Voice is FREE phone number and phone service via VOIP??? Are you kidding me?

#5: Gmail has earned my respect and loyalty over the years. It's come a long way baby. It is my number one email provider of choice for personal and business use.

#6: Google Drive is a life-saver. I no longer fear future hard drive crashes or viruses that can cause me to lose all my life-long data.

#7: Google Chat, Talk and now Hangouts. Hangout is Google's version of Skype. Love, love, love it!

#8: Google plays nice with others. Love the fact that it integrates and plays so nicely with other third-party apps and add-ons. Virtually seamless integration in most cases.

#9: Oh yeah, did you know Google owns YouTube also?

#10: Apps, apps, more apps and then some! I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of all that Google Play has to offer and I've been using it for years!

"Okay Google... what will you do next?" I guess this would actually count as #11. LOL! If you didn't catch that, check this out: Pretty impressive, huh?

Interested in learning more? Feel free to contact me or check out one of my free live webinars:

Happy Googling. :-)

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